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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bookish things(kind of)

I'm reading Laura Kreitzer's Phantom Universe and I'm LOVING it. I think she'll be one of the authors that I read all there books. (: Wait up for my review on it.

In other news, I've gotten over 77K in my WIP and I'm soooo happy! I'm 3K from 80K and after that 10K count down to 90K my big goal! If one day I come on here and the post is all jibberish and all you can understand is 90K then you know I've finally reached my goal! After that I'll finish my book freak out some more then start editing. (:

In other news, I have City of Bones by Cassandra Clare here. It's staring at me to read, but I need to finish Laura Kreitzer's Phantom Universe (which is addicting, btw) before I start any other books, though I will be forced to start reading it as it's the only book on my bookshelf that I haven't already read (though I need to finish Linger and Mockingjay, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT) and I need a book for English "Independant Reading".

I'm also thinking about starting to do some of my book review through video so I can literally TALK about the book and it's not a whole bunch of written words on a internet blog. (: I've never done a Vlog before in my life so I warn you I'm still getting the hang of talking to no one in particular in front of a camera (as I already do that anyway while I'm writing, but THAT IS ALSO NOT THE POINT).

I auditioned for a part in another play for drama and I'm freaking out about the part cause I don't know WHO got it. I hope I did, but I don't want to crush my friend's chances either. They've had experience since they did a last year, but I actually had the experience of performing in front of a live audience and performing in front of judges for competition (BTW we're going to STATE competition!) and stuff. It's not my fault if I get the part and she doesn't right?

On a lighter note, my contest is going swimmingly! If you haven't checked out the contest you should click here to see the post. It's a *signed* copy of Laura Kreitzer's Shadow of the Sun and the first in her Timeless series (which I reccommend you read). The contest ends February 1st, 2011 in which I will use to choose a winner.

If there happen to be any authors or publishers that took the time to actually read this rambling post (which is probably one to none) I want to hold a big promotional giveaway in late March, early April for a big blogiversary! It will be my one year anniversay and I want to make it as big as possible. (: If you are interested please e-mail me with the email I've provided int the Contact Me page.

That is all for my really random post. Hope you enjoyed. (:


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