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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hacking Timbuktu/ Awesome news

Title: Hacking Timbuktu
Author: Steven Davies
Release date: 11/15/10
Rating: 3/5
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Book Summary (from netGalley): Danny is a freelance IT specialist—that is, a hacker. He and his pal Omar are both skilled at parkour, or freerunning, a discipline designed to enable practitioners to travel between any two points regardless of obstacles. This is fortunate, because they're off on an adventure that's filled with obstacles, from locked doors to gangs of hostile pursuers. Together they follow a cryptic clue, find a missing map, figure out how to get to Timbuktu without buying a plane ticket, and join the life-and-death treasure hunt, exchanging wisecracks and solving the puzzle one step at a time. An exotic setting and gripping suspense, as well as an absorbing introduction to parkour, make this thriller a genuine page-turner.

Considering what it said at the end "thriller a genuine page-turner" I really didn't think so.
A lot of the scenes were slow and sometimes the point of view changes and you only figure it out when it says the other main character's name (it's in third person P.O.V.).
At first you're kind of thinking "Oh, it's only the beginning, it will pick up.." It didn't. By Chapter 7 there was still nothing to keep you on your toes or wonering what happens next, you kind of just guess it and it's there.
This book had a lot of technical things to it like hacking and trying to solve the magic squares. I guess it just wasn't for me. The book could have done without the parkour and it still would have been the same. Parkour didn't really bring anything exciting to it, except for maybe being able to jump from roof to roof. That's it.
The pieces come into play near the ending, but I don't know. It just felt slow to me. You can read it, I'm not saying not to but..yeah.

My Awesome News!

Next Month (August) I will be setting up a blog tour for none other than Kersten Hamilto author of the famous Tyger, Tyger.

I'm so excited! She is so nice and I'm really glad I get to work with her.

So you will be seeing posts soon. :D E-mail me if you have any questions.



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