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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Insane? Me? No..

Ok, I have one question for everyone who reads my blog.

Did you know, being a writer makes you insane?

Here are some of the (made up) symptoms of writing insanity.

1. You hear voices in your head.
You know how your characters' voices just seem to be echoing in your head all day? Telling you write from wrong and to steer away from sparking vampires? That is...not...normal.

2. Dreaming
If you're dreaming about your characters in some future scene that may or may not be added is also not normal...not everyone dreams about fictional characters. If you go up to someone and ask if they've ever made out with Edward Cullen they're going to look at you funny and walk away.

3. Your characters are your imaginary friends
Ok, if your characters are standing around your computer space asking you questions about who is going where and what is going to happen...I'm just not gonna say anything.

4. You talk to yourself
A the famous "talking to yourself" bit. Yes, I've run across this myself many many days *cough minutes cough* ago. When you're sitting in front of your computer asking yourself questions and answering them, otherwise known as "thinking outloud" then I suggest no one is around to hear it. My brother was in the room when I was talking to myself and he got confused. It's not even funny.

So, yeah, you're going insane if you start getting these symptoms. Don't worry it's absolutely normal *cough  no it isn't cough*


1 comment:

  1. I've often thought these same things. My husband always tells me I'm insane and we've discussed this very topic before.

    My all time favorite thing to say to people is: "Don't bother speaking. I'm just going to edit your dialog out later anyway".


Thanks for the commment! I really appreciate them!

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